About #buildinpublic community

Meet local #buildinpublic folks for a face2face exchange!

What is #buildinpublic?
#buildinpublic is a community of people who build projects and share openly about their approach, successes and failures. The main community sites are: , Product Hunt and Indiehackers
What is the goal of this site?
Nothing beats in person meetings! Doing #buildinpublic projects is super involving, both enterpreneurial and emotional. Being able to meet people and exchange about the struggles might be a real advantage. That's why this site is organized around countries and cities so you can find folks living close and organize a coffee or even lunch meeting. Just reach out via their twitter profile and get going!
Who is behind this?
I am Philipp Keller. This came out of a weekend hack project. If you want, you can follow me on twitter
I want to change the listing about me or delete it
Please send me a DM on twitter and I'll update the info asap
My country is missing
Please send me a DM on twitter and I'll add it asap